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⬆⬇Travel The World⬆⬇

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my first official blogpost! My family enjoys traveling and we have traveled to several countries and states so I wanted to share with you guys some pictures I have taken from these different locations :)

Our Location for today is home sweet home! I wanted to start off simple and introducing to you guys photos of the city I live in! I live in a beach town which is always super bright, tropical and filled with flowers, beaches and just nature overall! Here are some of my favorite photos from the city! What may be home to me might be thousands of miles away for you :>


First things first! Our classic top of the city view! I love this spot so much it is usually so beautiful and you can see the ocean, mountains and the beautiful red tile roofs! This spot gives me so much energy and I promise promise promise it is more beautiful in person!


Flower Power! My friend was taking this and I decided to take mine at the same time over hers and it actually turned out amazing! Of course it is filtered but it was super vibrant and bright anyway and I only had to add a bit of saturation and exposure! This photo is actually just flowers in my neighborhood and proves how amazing flowers can be all around ;D
A little photo of the beach in the evening about a year ago! I love the beach so so so so much! It is such an amazing place to go to and its always fun taking photos there! I especially like this photo because of the angle of the camera and also thats its not bright! Beaches do not have to be bright to be paradise ;)
 yesssss! An underwater photo! This was at surf camp last summer when we were hunting for sand dollars at the bottom of the ocean! Everyone had caught sand dollars and was racing to the top of the surface to get back to our little surf board raft. I thought this would make a great photo so I went to the bottom, sand dollars in one hand, go pro in the other c:
Overall, thank you guys so so so so much for viewing this and my pictures! Tomorrow I will probably do Alaska. Please leave a comment below! I love suggestions and feedback too! Will try to post different things daily but want to do a photo collage too daily!


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