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How To Be Happy!

Ways to instantly smile and be happy! everyone should be happy but there are obviously days when people are sad! I just wanted to make a little list of ways to cheer up and instantly becoming happy! I hope this helps :>   I just wanted to put up a photo of my dog to cheer up anyone who needs it :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ okay lets get right into it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1)Spend Time With People You Love Okay honestly a main reason people are sad is because all they do is shut their door. Spending time with my family and friends has made me realize how lucky I am and instantly cheered me up. Try playing a game or something which makes you laugh :D 2)Spend Time With A Pet pets are supposed to relieve stress by just petting them. Playing with a pet can not only be calming, but also be super fun! If you don't have a pet try volunteering at a shelter.  3) Just Rant When you are sad, do not keep it all to yourself
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Benefits Of Chewing Gum

We Love Gum So I mean hey, gum is awesome. I like to have it and it really helps me! But why? I really didn't know! Well, if you are wondering this, here are some answers below! Benefits of chewing gum   -Improves concentration and memory -Helps wakefulness -Combats stress & anxiety -Protects teeth -Keeps you less hungry -Reduces heartburn -Improves breath -Helps get rid of boredom -Improves eating habits -Helps cigarette smokers quit -Relives dry mouth -Helps ear pain during flight -Helps car sickness -Increases saliva -Whitens teeth -Helps you be more alert   So..gum is pretty great..but I don't like minty gum which ruins the point...

Some Meredith Foster Mug Cake

Some Relatable Advice Below Okay! So, there is a thing about mug cake. A huge thing! I mean HUGE. But every single recipe I have tried, the mug cake either didn't poof up, smelled awful, tasted yuck and all of my appetite for mug cakes seemed to slowly go away. One night I was watching Meredith Foster and she had this mug cake recipe. It was healthy, sounded appetizing, and easy to make. So I tried it! Let me tell you it tasted so so so so good! So here it is. If you have given up on mug cakes, you might want to try this! Mug Cake Recipe: 1/2 Cup Oats 1 table spoon sugar   1/4 teaspoon baking soda   Pinch of salt Blend all of this! Then Add: 1/3 cup almond milk 1/2 table spoon peanut butter 1 table spoon coconut oil   Splash of vanilla   Blend in Blender again! just for a bit. It should be a dough-ish like consistency. Pour in mug   Microwave for one minute   And then enjoy an actual healthy and good mugcake Definitely Try This!

30 Days Of Kindness Challenge

30 days of kindness challenge -------------------- sooooo, I haven't posted in forever but I wanted to keep my blog running and keep the positivity in it so I wanted to do something to do with kindness. Being kind to others is just an amazing thing for everyone to do. The world is so messed up mainly because of hate and kindness just puts everything together. Everyday, I want to do something kind for at least one person so I wanted to create a "30 days of kindness challenge" and give 30 (or a months worth of ideas) to be kind. I hope these ideas help and I hope we all take a minute out of our daily lives to do something kind for another ----------------------------------------- 1)Clean the house for your parents 2)Take your family or friends out for dinner and pay for all of it 3)Buy chocolate and flowers for someone you love who is struggling with something 4)Give compliments to people who are near you 5)Stop to tell a mailman thank you on all th
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Yay i'm Back! Welcome to Post #3 of my Blog! Hey Everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today I have decided to put up more photos of places I have been to! Todays location is Alaska. I love Alaska so much! Even though I went there a few years ago I had such an amazing time there and it was definitely an unforgettable experience. Here are a few memories :) This first photo was when we were driving and I saw this meadow and instantly wanted to take a photo. It was honestly way better in person but I wanted to share this with you guys too haha I had to put this photo! Yes it is a glacier. Yes it is amazing! This was probably one of my favorite places to go in all of Alaska. It was so amazing. This is 100% ice formed by 100% nature. How cool is that! Another extremely amazing photo. We were on a ship and just watching the view and we can into this! It was so bright and beautiful and the water was a vivid shade of sea green. Yes the white little things you s
⬆⬇ Travel The World ⬆⬇ Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my first official blogpost! My family enjoys traveling and we have traveled to several countries and states so I wanted to share with you guys some pictures I have taken from these different locations :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Location for today is home sweet home! I wanted to start off simple and introducing to you guys photos of the city I live in! I live in a beach town which is always super bright, tropical and filled with flowers, beaches and just nature overall! Here are some of my favorite photos from the city! What may be home to me might be thousands of miles away for you :> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First things first! Our classic top of the city view! I love this  spot so much it is usually so beautiful and you can see the ocean, mountains and the beautiful red tile roofs! This spot gives me so much energy and I promise promis