Ok so I just had to write about this because if you are on my blog you are stuck having to know a bit about my life! So today in jr guards we had this pier jump. I cannot explain in words how much I wanted to this! I knew I would be so proud and happy with myself and I realize that feeling is totally unbeatable! I knew if I didn't do it I would disappoint not only my family, friends, and coaches, most of all for an entire year I would have disappointed myself! So the obvious answer is to jump off the pier right? Slight problem, the pier jump is literally one of my biggest fears. I have a fear of rollercoasters because of drops. Just the feeling you get when you drop is super scary and I guess you guys could understand the fear of just jumping off of a 25 foot pier into the ocean haha. But I mean, I had to do it...
The story: As we were walking up my heart started to beat faster and this girl told me, "think of it this way," throughout the rest of the day and until next year you will either have jumped off the pier or not. If you did, you will feel good, if you didn't it would haunt you for an entire year. All my friends either had enough courage to jump, or were fearless, and out of the people who wanted to jump it was me, and this girl in tears. So I stood up on the ledge, instantly looked down, and went back down. But I guess I just really wanted to jump, and everything else was going against my head which really didn't want to jump. I finally got up there and jumped myself off, and what, honestly it was so fun. I kept my eyes open the entire time and my friend told me I was smiling. I guess it feel's like you are flying. It was honestly so great! I totally would have done it again and I just felt so good and I couldnt stop smiling. Facing your fears is always the best because its honestly the best experience ever and you will like it! And if you dont, well just dont it again. You still feel that feeling of pride and happiness which is totally priceless and worth it even if you dont like. This jump has totally made my summer and expect me to jump more than once next year haha!
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