We Love Gum So I mean hey, gum is awesome. I like to have it and it really helps me! But why? I really didn't know! Well, if you are wondering this, here are some answers below! Benefits of chewing gum -Improves concentration and memory -Helps wakefulness -Combats stress & anxiety -Protects teeth -Keeps you less hungry -Reduces heartburn -Improves breath -Helps get rid of boredom -Improves eating habits -Helps cigarette smokers quit -Relives dry mouth -Helps ear pain during flight -Helps car sickness -Increases saliva -Whitens teeth -Helps you be more alert So..gum is pretty great..but I don't like minty gum which ruins the point...
Hi! I am a teen girl who loves adventure, creating new ideas and the outdoor world! I decided to create a blog to share photos of places I have been, new art and drawings, and DIY's. My blog is a positive place with no negative attitudes allowed although feedback is appreciated. I post daily so make sure to always check my blog out! Thank you!